Love & Creation
2012, installation

Every cube symbolizes certain entity which varies from each other in its content: density, texture, quality and origin. e nature of the cubes is as di erent as human beings, ora and fauna, weather and seasons of the year. But despite of the discrepancy which exists in the world, there is integrity and harmony between its elements for love amazingly unites everything.


Sculpture symbolically re ects the stages of a human intrauterine development and an egg at the top of it incarnates future birth.

Every cube is painted in a color that corresponds to a particular color the human being gets in the process of intrauterine development.

The pigment is being lled with its color the in the same way as our desires are being lled with energy.

Here are 9 cubes, 9 stages of physical human development which are hidden in real life from the eyes of others. 9 is a sacral number. But this period of 9 months is the time of birth of our thoughts and ideas as well as their development and materialization.
